June 2009 Archives



James and I celebrated our 8 year anniversary yesterday.  We had a lovely evening out on Friday night while Grandma Debbie and crew watched the kids for us.  We ate at P.F. Changs.  It was my first time there and it was really yummy.  I loved their mongolian beef and the lettuce wraps.  After dinner we shopped for ruby earrings for my anniversary present from James.  I really want rubies that are red and not pink, so we didn't find any that were the right color and the right price.  I guess we'll keep looking.  I got James a charcoal grill for his anniversary/father's day present and he can't wait to cook up some huge slabs of meat with it. 


James' boss finally approved some time off for him and we headed to that Happy Place again.  This time we splurged and flew instead of driving.  It allowed us to have two extra days in the park which worked out well because Disney was having a five day pass for the price of three sale.  My mom flew in on Friday afternoon to spend a few days with us as well.  My mom is the best person to take to Disneyland because she loves being in the park, but doesn't ride half the rides and is willing to take care of the kids while James and I go on some rides.  I decided that when she retires and if we get year passes again, I'm going to buy her a pass too and bring her along whenever we go.  Here are some highlights of this trip:

We took Jacob on the small roller coaster that is back in Toon Town and he thought it was totally awesome.  We ended up going on it twice in a row. 

We spent 100 dollars on a character lunch, where Woody and Jessie came right up to our table and interacted with the boys. (It was fun to try once, but I don't think it's something we'll ever do again.)

Seth went on Space Mountain for the first time.  When the ride was over he told me that he almost threw up, but that it was awesome.  I think it was a little intense for him. 

We got to see the "new" It's a Small World.  They have changed some things on the ride and added Disney characters in the lands they come from (i.e. Mulan in the China section and Peter Pan in London).  Lia thought Small World and Finding Nemo were the most interesting rides.

I got the highest score ever on Buzz Lightyear!  I think my gun might have been "broken", but it was awesome to look down at my score screen and see 875,700.  To put it in perspective, I usually don't get above 100,000. 

Seth and Jacob got to participate in the Junior Cooking class they were putting on for the Food and Wine Festival over in the California Adventure park.  They made Mango popsicles with Goofy.  Each child got to put in an ingredient.  Jacob was supposed to sprinkle in some "Disney Magic" with this sprinkle wand, but instead of sprinkling the sparkles in, he dunked the whole wand in the juice and gave it a good stir!  That batch of popsicles was extremely magical by the time Jacob was done! 

Lia was an absolute angel the entire trip.  I kept wondering when she was going to just absolutely fall apart, but she never did.  


Right before Memorial Day James and I bought a new tent.  We wanted to try it out Memorial Day weekend, but we were a little late in reserving a campground spot.  We ended up setting the tent up in my parents back yard.  It was an ideal place for our maiden voyage camping trip, because we were highly unprepared and being able to run into the house to get something we had forgotten was really nice.  The boys thought sleeping in the tent and burning marshmallows in the fire were the best parts.


We finally finished the laundry room.  I got the decorations up on the walls and have made several projects on my craft table.  The picture below doesn't show all the cute decorating I've done, but it gives you a good idea of what the room looks like. We bought a new freezer yesterday, that will be delivered in about a week.  The room is bright and happy and so functional.  It's almost a pleasure to do laundry in it, but it is still laundry after all. :(  Our next step is to clear out the remainder of the basement and get it ready for when we have money to fix the rest of it up.


Seth completed his first year of school.  He received a special award for being a good student and citizen.  He had so much fun in Kindergarten.  I know that he misses seeing all his friends every day.  I am going to have a hard time keeping him occupied this summer.  His new favorite thing to say is "I'm bored!".  I think I'm going to have to ban the phrase.

Jacob has finally decided to be potty trained.  He has been dry for almost a week now.  He was being so lazy with pull-ups and diapers that I finally just put a pair of underwear on him and we haven't looked back since.  Maybe he just needed that extra vote of confidence on my part...  He has gotten two new Star Wars toys for keeping his underwear dry and I think the toys were probably a big motivating factor too.

Lia is seven months old now.  She is almost sitting up by herself.  I started her on solid foods.  Her favorites are oatmeal and apples, peas, and fruit puffs.  She doesn't really like baby food very much and would rather eat big people food.  Yesterday, her bottom two teeth pushed through and she was super cranky!  I can tell that her mouth is still hurting her today, but she's been slightly more pleasant.  

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