Life comes at you fast!

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It's funny as I look back at my last entry on this blog, it seems so strange now that I was having any misgivings about having a new baby and it's interesting that I wrote it all less than 24 hours before Lia was born. 

The morning of the 13th I went in for my weekly doctor's appointment.  They did all the normal stuff and discovered that my blood pressure was slightly elevated.  So the doctor sent me to the hospital for a non-stress test.  When they measured the fluid around the baby at the beginning of the non-stress test they found that it was fairly low.  (You are supposed to be above a 10 and I was at a 7.)  So the nurses at the hospital called my doctor and my doctor decided to induce me that day.  My doctor's appointment was at 9:10 in the morning and at 12:00 noon I walked into Labor and Delivery ready to be induced.  It was a whirlwind morning. 

James about had a heart attack trying to get everything squared away for the boys on such short notice.  It was especially bad when he made the first round of phone calls and no one we thought would be able to help was answering their phones.  Luckily, everything worked out okay and we even ended up with two baby-sitters instead of one.

Everything went much more quickly than I expected.  They started the pitocin at 1:00, James showed up about 2:30, I had them do the epidural at about 3:00 (which only really took on one side, but was still some much needed relief), the doctor showed up around 4:30 and because the cord was wrapped around Lia's neck they wanted to get her out as fast as they possibly could.  Apparently her heart rate was way down, but they didn't bother telling me that, they just kept frantically telling me to push non-stop for about 10 minutes.   I was thinking, "What's the rush?" and "Don't I get a break?"  You think they'd tell me something was up.  Maybe they thought I'd freak out or something.  I don't know.  Anyway, Lia was born at 4:59, she was pretty blue when she came out, but she pinked up right away.  I remember seeing all her dark hair, thinking that it was so cute and then immediately hoping that she didn't have the same cowlick that Jacob has.  I know that's a funny thing to think of the first time you see your baby, but anyone who has seen Jacob's hair will understand.

Now it's Lia's three week birthday and I feel like life has come back to some sense of order.  I could do with a bit more sleep, but even in that respect I'm pretty lucky.  Lia only wakes up twice during the night usually.  She's an awesome eater, a pretty good sleeper, she takes a binky, and she loves to be snuggled and cuddled.  The only things I can think of that aren't ideal about her are that her eyes have been infected or draining since we brought her home from the hospital (probably blocked tear ducts), and that she has gas all the time, I mean all the time.  Poor thing, she does pretty well most of the time, but sometimes she just screams and grunts up a storm trying to get it all out.  Other than that, I think she's the most adorable little girl and I'm so glad she's here now. 

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This page contains a single entry by Miekka published on December 5, 2008 4:51 AM.

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