

Our 4th of July started out a little hectic when we got a call at 7:30 in the morning from James' mom saying that his brother Joseph would be returning from his mission 5 hours earlier than we all had planned on.  We hopped up, got ready and arrived at the airport just in time to see him arrive.  It was good to see him after two years.  After the airport we drove out to Kaysville where my sister lives to watch the parade and have a huge water fight.  Jacob had a water fight with himself and lost.  He was absolutely soaking wet.  Seth and his cousins had fun with the firefighter water packs we bought for them.  The rest of the day was spent relaxing with James' family, having a BBQ at our house and then watching fireworks in our front yard.


The Draper Days parade was on the 21st this year.  It was also the day that the new Harry Potter book came out.  We went to the parade in the morning and I have to admit that I didn't see much of the parade because my nose was stuck in the book the whole time.  Actually, most of the day was a blur for me.  We went over to Draper park and had a blast doing all their free activities.  The kids all came away with big bags of toys and crafts.  I finished Harry Potter just in time to head over to the fireworks.  Seth was so tired that he fell asleep on the walk up to the park.  Jacob enjoyed the fireworks though and kept telling me they were pretty and saying, "Oh wow!"


We went with Grandma Debbie and Jenni to the Days of 47 Float Preview.  We got to see all the floats up close and didn't have to sit in the hot sun for two hours to see them in the actual parade.  It was ideal.  There were several train floats that Seth really liked.  There were also marching bands going around the convention hall.  Jacob danced and danced and danced.  Dancing for him is just stomping around in circles.   He was so cute! 


We celebrated Seth's 4th Birthday this last Saturday.  He has been asking me every day for the past month if it was his birthday yet, so when the day finally arrived he was bouncing off the walls.  We had about 35 people come to our house for a hot dog BBQ.  The highlight of the party was the train pinata.  Unfortunately, it broke after only three of the kids had a turn trying to hit it, so there was a little bit of sadness.  Luckily, there was plenty of candy to go around and that took the edge off some of the sadness.   I made a Thomas the Tank Engine cake that turned out pretty well for my first attempt.  Seth had to give it a kiss before he blew out his candles.  His pile of presents was taller than he is and he couldn't wait to open them and see all the surprises.  I'm not sure where we are going to put all the new toys he got.  I think it was a pretty good birthday.  Seth is a very proud 4 year old and keeps telling me all the new stuff he can do now that he is 4 years old. 


Jacob has been growing and learning so fast this month.  He is practically running already.  He loves to wrestle with any one who will let him.  Basically if you are on the floor you are fair game.  He tackles Seth all the time and I'm afraid to say he tackled a much larger boy in Nursery this last Sunday.  He is getting thinner and taller now that he is walking.  His speech is also getting much better, but he is still hard to understand because he talks from his throat a lot.  He has a great sense of humor and loves to laugh along with anyone even if he has no idea what they are laughing about.   Seth is his idol right now and Jacob will follow him around all day, trying to do whatever Seth is doing.   They are starting to play together which is so fun to watch.

That's all for now!  We love you all!


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This page contains a single entry by Miekka published on July 31, 2007 4:42 PM.

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