The Land of Tags

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I've never been tagged before, but ended up being tagged twice on Thursday of last week...  I wasn't home (went Disneyland yet again!! More on that in my family blog soon) so I'm only getting around to it now.

Here's the first one from my good friend Julie...

Fun Tag

1. Go to your pictures

2. Upload 4th picture of 4th folder

3. Post.

4. Tag 4 of your friends.


This is absolutely one of my favorite pictures of my two boys!!!  I'm so glad it is the one I get to post for this tag.  I actually have this in black and white on my bedroom dresser and it brightens my day every time I see it.  I think I'll have to post the one that was taken right after this one too, because Jacob's expression is so hilarious. 


This is also a good plug for my sister-in-law, Jenni, who took the pictures.  She has a studio in her basement and is currently scheduling appointments for Christmas and other photo shoots!  Go here if you want to see some of her work... Portraits by Jenni   Email me if you want more info to get in touch with her.

I don't really like tagging other people, so if you like this idea go ahead and post it on your own blog. 

So here's the other tag....

In this tag you are supposed to list 7 quirks that you have...

1.  I don't like talking on the phone.  You might even say I have an unhealthy fear of calling people.  It doesn't even matter if I've known you for your whole life.  I have this unnatural idea that people aren't going to be happy that I've called them, or that I won't know what to say to them.  So heaps of apologies for those of you whom I should be calling much more often, but don't.  Email me instead.  I'm really good at email.

2.  I can't stand mis-matched socks and I can't stand for myself or others to wear socks inside out.  It kills me to let Seth put his own socks on and have one or both of them be inside out.  I usually have to take them off and put them on again correctly for him.

3.  I am horrible at driving backwards.  For some reason I cannot drive in a straight line, and turning is always an adventure.  I've gotten slightly better as I've gotten older, but it's still something James teases me about.  I'm Mater's nemesis from the movie Cars,  I'm the world's worst backwards driver.

4.   I like to sew, but it makes me a little grumpy and angry.  In high school my friend Ariel and I spent the evening at my house doing an extra credit project and my mom was in the other room sewing a bathrobe for my brother.  My mom was back there swearing up a storm as she sewed.  I am definitely turning into my mother in this respect, although I swear under my breath instead of out loud.  I like the challenge of sewing something, but it seems like so many things go wrong when I do it that my alter ego emerges....

5.  I am a procrastinator. For example, my Primary lessons often don't get done until Sunday morning right before we head out to church, my bathrooms don't get cleaned nearly as often as they should, and I put off making appointments for myself and for my family until I know that tomorrow will be too late. (Although that last example relates back to my fear of the phone too.) 

6.  I used to bite my fingernails when I was younger.  I don't bite them off anymore, but they are constantly in my mouth still.  I'm pretty sure this habit has contributed to the fact that both my boys have started biting their fingernails. 

7.  I can't stand messes and yet my house is always cluttered!  It's a horrible cyclical thing.  Unless the item has a designated place it gets put on whatever open flat surface is available.  Then I move piles around, sort them out, maybe throw something away, so that the piles are smaller and/or in a different place, but they never really go away.  James gets really frustrated by this, but also often contributes to the piles.  Every month or so we'll do a good cleaning where the piles mostly disappear, but the next day we get something new or don't put something away correctly and it all begins again. 

All right that last tag took me much longer than it should have and now I've procrastinated making dinner and everyone is getting hungry and cranky so I better get off. 

P.S.  Hey Jessica, James has that same aversion to cotton balls.  Maybe it's a Lance thing!  It's fun to tease him about though... :)

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This page contains a single entry by Miekka published on October 20, 2008 11:58 PM.

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