Miekka: March 2009 Archives

Another Funny Story

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This month in primary, Seth is learning the scripture in D&C 88:119.  Which reads, "Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing, and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God."  We spent this afternoon at my parents house today doing laundry and somehow we started talking about the scripture.  I asked Seth if he remembered any of the scripture.  He remembered some of it and we ended up repeating it a couple of times.  At the end, referring to my mom's house, he says, "This is a 'house of order'....  Grandma's orders."  It was so funny, and a little bit ironic because my mom doesn't usually order the grandkids around much.  My mom wasn't home at the time to hear him so I hope she reads this. 

I've apparently created a monster with the whole mood board idea.  Jessica is going to be remodeling her hall bathroom sometime in the future and decided to work up a mood board for it. If you want to see what she choose go to her website here.  She had the best poster for a bathroom wall and used it to create a soothing bathroom mood board. 

Well, since I am me and I love hot, bright colors, I decided to work up a couple of other boards that use the wall art and the subway tiles she wants to use in the room.  One is not so different from Jessica's original and still has nice greens and blues.  The other is all wild and funky and is probably the one I would choose if I was going to do a fun, new bathroom.

Jessica Bath 1.jpg 

Jessicas Bath 2.jpg

As you can tell, I really liked the idea of a round mosaic mirror and I wanted to incorporate polka dots so this is what came up.  The orange towels in the second board are not my favorite.  If I had more time I'd find towels in a bit darker orangey-red, but it's 12:30 in the morning and I need to go to bed.. 

I found it!

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Awesome!  I found the fabric at the first store I went to.  The lady said they just put it out yesterday.  How lucky am I?  The red color is called tomato and it truly is the dark orangey-red of a ripe tomato.  I was hoping it would be a little closer to true red, but the patterns are so cute that I couldn't resist and so I promptly plunked down 30 bucks for fabric (anyone who knows me well, knows that paying 30.00 for fabric was really hard for me, but it also tells you how much I liked it!)  Here's what I ended up with...

The pattern I posted yesterday was a little bit too busy for what I wanted.  It is basically a landscape that repeats over and over on the fabric.  The sample incorporated the cutest bits of the landscape, but seeing the fabric as a whole made me change my mind.  This is what I picked for the ironing board:

ironing board fabric.jpg

And then I got 4 fat quarters of these patterns...
I was hoping that they would have some greens and the scissor pattern, but no luck on that front.  I'm planning on making a collage of fabric stretched over frames like the idea in Julie's mood board.  I'm going to try and find the scissor pattern in green, but it's hard to get to different fabric stores with all the kids in tow.  (By the way, the actual red is much closer in color to the ironing board sample picture than it is in the fatquarter picture.)

So here's my grand plan so far...  My laundry room is laid out with all the appliances on one wall and all of the work area on the other.  I am going to paint the wall behind the appliances the same red as the fabric.  The wall will have white shelves on it above the washer and dryer and I found these awesome plates at the DI to make another collage with over the laundry sink.  (I stole that idea from Jessica.  Thanks Jess!)


I'm not so sure about the plate in the middle it's kind of dark and heavy looking, but it had a really fun pattern on it.  I also wanted to try and find a blue one, but I figured for 75 cents a piece I could buy them all and then decide when I get the wall painted. 

The rest of the walls will be painted the creamy white from the fabric.  I will have brown countertops for my desks and then paint the shelves above them the red color.  Then the storage boxes will be white, a natural cream color, brown, or a mix of neutral colors . 

So that's what I have so far...  I'm going to keep a swatch of the fabric in my purse at all times so I can match it with things I see and like when I'm out shopping. 

New Fabric

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I found some fabric that I'm absolutely in love with.  I think I'm going to use it as the base for the design theme of the laundry room downstairs.  I want to try and find it locally to see if it's really as cute as it looks on the computer screen.  Unfortunately, it's a brand new pattern, so it might be hard to find here.   Tell me what you think of it.


Julie's Mood Board

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Man, this is soo fun!  I love seeing what you all have come up with.  When I'm done with the laundry room I'm going to have to decorate something else just to get you all involved again. :)
Here is Julie's mood board.  She found some great stuff and also gave me the idea of painting the old fridge down there with chalkboard paint.  James and I had pretty much decided to buy a new freezer to replace it, but I might have to look into the chalkboard idea. 

Julie's Board.jpg

Jenni's Mood Board

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Here's Jenni's Board.  I love the ceiling she picked out.  I might have to splurge and get those tiles...  They are pretty expensive, so we'll see.  The thread rack is really cute too!  Check it out:

Jenni's Board.jpg

Kim's Mood Board

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My friend Kim has made her entry into the "Laundry Room Challenge" as she phrased it.  I wish I had a great prize or something to give out, but since both "entries" so far have been awesome I wouldn't be able to chose a favorite.  Here's Kim's board.  If you want to read about her thought process in picking things check out her blog at http://thissideofthelookingglass.blogspot.com/ .

Kims Board.jpg

Apparently I am going to have to get those prints of the scissors and spools of thread!  They both go really well with my existing ideas and two people have picked them out for me now.

P.S. anyone wanting to give me some ideas, but not having the know-how to get them online can just email the pictures or the links to the pictures and I'll make a collage for you.
Jessica was super quick on getting a mood board put together!  What about the rest of you???  I know there are some creative geniuses who read this. You know who you are...  Missa, Jen, Amy, Kim, etc...  Anyway, here's Jessica's:

new mosaic.jpg 

We are in the process of remodeling our laundry room.  When it is done, it will double as a laundry/craft room.  I have the tendency to be really cheap and really boring when it comes to decorating, so I wanted to have a little fun with this room.  Through a link on my cousin Jessica's blog I found out about mood boards.  Have any of you heard of these?  You basically pick out some colors, materials, furniture, etc. that all coordinate and make a collage of them. 

Anyway, I wanted to see how all my friends and family might decorate this room.  So here's the challenge...  Make up a mood board of things you find online or anywhere and then email me the results or post them on your own blog.  I'm hoping a few of you have enough free time to pick out a few items that you think would be awesome.  If you need my email, just leave a comment and I'll send it to you. 

Here's what we have planned for the room so far...  Our appliances are white (except for our ugly almond colored fridge, which may or may not be replaced during this remodel).  The ceiling will be white ceiling tiles.  I will be putting a series of shelves above the washer and dryer, but the color is still up in the air.  I was thinking white or black or stainless steel.  The crafting area will be a set of adjustable shelves and desktops from Ikea, the Broder system.  The desktop will actually be a countertop instead of the ugly galvanized one Ikea sells.  Ikea has a nice black, flecked countertop that isn't too expensive, but I'm not set on that.  The shelves that go with the system we are buying are galvanized steel and quite industrial looking.  I think with the right look they will fit right in though.  The flooring we have is a medium brown oak laminate.  I also purchased a sorting rack for the laundry so that when I'm doing laundry I don't have piles all over the floor.  I will also be recovering my ironing board and it will be placed pretty prominently in the room, so I need some awesome coordinating fabric for that.  I also need some storage bins, some wall art, and a great paint color. 

Ok, so get your design on!  I'd love to see what everyone comes up with.  If it will help I can post a picture of the plan of the room, but I mucked up my copy and don't have a fresh one to put on right now.

Here are some pictures of some of the things I just described above (I also included a fabric I thought was kind of intriguing.  It has a great red flower on it and I LOVE the color red.):


Laundry room board.jpg

Totally Awesome

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Two nights ago we sent Jacob into his room to get his jammies on.  He seemed to be taking longer than normal (which is already pretty long to begin with), so I called to him to ask what he was doing.  He called back to me in his little gruff voice, "I'm putting on my Batman socks, Mom."  I was a little annoyed because he was supposed to be getting ready for bed, so I asked, in a not so patient voice, "Why are you putting on your Batman socks?"  Then he responded with a matter of fact answer... "Because they're TOTALLY AWESOME!"  James and I laughed so hard!  Why else would you want to put on your Batman socks? 

P.S. This story is a lot more funny if you know Jacob and have heard his voice.  He has the best toddler voice!

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This page is a archive of recent entries written by Miekka in March 2009.

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