Miekka: April 2009 Archives

Awesome DI day!

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On Wednesday, I made my weekly trip to the DI and scored big time!  I found some super cute clothes for Lia.   I love this sweater.  It even has a tulip on it to celebrate her dutch heritage.  :)


I also found leather cowboy boots and some super hero toys for Jacob, a Bionicle for Seth, and this batch of cute stuff for the laundry room remodel:


I'm not sure where it's all going to go, or what it will be used for, but it was all so fun and matched my color scheme. 

And finally the Pièce de résistance!   I found two matching office chairs to use in the new craft/sewing/work space.  The chairs seemed to be in pretty good condition and I could tell they were nice office chairs.  Plus, they were only 10.00 a piece, which was a much better price than I was expecting to pay for a couple of matching chairs.  I  bought them and went around the back of the DI to pick them up.  While I was waiting for someone to help me load them, a man came by and asked if I was buying them.  I told him that I had already paid for them and he said, "Damn, they were supposed to hold them for me."  Apparently, he had already purchased two of them and was coming back to get these two.  He was quite put out that I had bought them and wouldn't sell them back to him.  Anyway, his reaction piqued my curiosity about the chairs and I went home and looked them up on the internet.  It turns out that they are worth about 550.00 a piece and even in used condition they would probably sell for at least 200.00!!!  I couldn't believe it.  I had to go sit in them again and figure out why people would pay so much for them... 

Anyway, I got an awesome, screaming deal on these chairs.  I need to convince James that he doesn't want to take one to his office, so I can keep them together.  My mom also came over and wanted to take one to her office too.  I wish I had known that they were so nice, because I would have bought the third one that was there, even though it had a broken wheel.  Here's what they look like:


I bought some red upholstery fabric and I'm going to see if I can make slipcovers for them, I'm not sure how that's going to work out though. 

Anyway, it was an awesome DI day! 

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