Miekka: May 2009 Archives

Seth's last day of Kindergarten is tomorrow.  He's had a fun year, made some good friends, learned a lot and is excited to be a first grader next year.  He even won a special award for being a good student.  It's called the Remarkable Roadrunner award (his school mascot is a roadrunner).  They had an award assembly last night and he received a medal and a certificate.  I can't believe he's already done with Kindergarten.  It really seems like we were taking him to school for the first time just the other day. 


Anyway, on to the story....  We have been talking to Seth about how he is almost done with Kindergarten and what kind of things he wants when school gets out.  One night when he and James were having a discussion about what to do for the summer, Seth came up with a great plan.  He said, "I know Dad!  The girls (meaning Lia and me) can do Princess things and Love things and the boys can do Crime Fighting things!"

Sounds like we have a fun-filled summer ahead of us!!  I'll let you know how it all works out!    

6 Months Old

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Lia is 6 months old now.  She is an angel baby!  We dragged her to Disneyland for 5 days (more on that trip when James gets all the pictures uploaded) and she was amazing!  She just sat in the stroller, napped when she was tired and didn't even pitch a fit if we woke her up to get on a ride.  Pretty much the only time she would get fussy was when she was hungry and as long as I fed her soon after the fussiness started she would calm right back down.  She really was wonderful. 

She is getting so big and interactive.  She found her toes on the last day in Disneyland, but her legs are so chubby that she has a hard time getting them to her mouth.  I gave her solid food for the first time a few weeks ago and she thought it was ok.  She doesn't love rice cereal, but can you blame her?  That stuff is totally tasteless!  I put a little sugar in it and that helped.  She hasn't needed any extra food since those first few days, but I'm am going to start again tonight.  She keeps waking up between 5:30 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. for a little snack, and I'm hoping that a little solid food will help fill her up and let her (and me) sleep a little longer. 


She can sit up if I put her in the Boppy and she loves being upright and seeing the world from this new perspective.   Her favorite thing right now is the bouncy jumperoo horse we borrowed from my sister.  Lia will be in there for a good 20 minutes and just bounce and laugh and blow raspberries.   She loves blowing raspberries, but when she does it so much slobber comes out that she is almost always soaked from her neck to her belly button. 

Her hair is starting to grow back in, but she has this tuft of hair on the back of her head that sticks right up  and then curls over like a rooster tail.  It's not enough hair to put into a barette and it won't lay flat no matter what I do, so I just leave it be.  It does give her a funky profile though.


I love to just snuggle her up and kiss her chubby little cheeks!  She laughs when she gets tickled or when James tosses her up in the air.  She'll also smile the best smile when Seth comes over to talk to her.  Jacob loves to kiss her and hug her, but we have to keep a good watch on him, because he forgets that she is so much smaller than he is sometimes. We all love this little girl and are so glad that she is part of our family.


It's been a while since I sent out for ideas for my laundry room.  Even though the room is done and functional, I haven't gotten around to much of the decorating.  I still need to make my ironing board cover and do something with the fabric I bought.  My sister in-law, Courtenay, is going to help me make fun red labels on her Cricut for the clear plastic storage bins I decided to buy.  I was too cheap to buy the cute red paper boxes from Ikea that some of you suggested, plus they didn't feel sturdy enough to hold what I wanted to put in them anyway.  I did finish the plate collage above the sink and it turned out pretty well. 


I don't like the plate in the bottom right hand corner much, but I'll keep looking for something better to replace it.  There are a bunch of other little things that I need to get squared away before I can declare the room officially done, but I thought you might enjoy seeing some before and after pictures.

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