Miekka: June 2009 Archives

Just a quick entry to show off a couple of the projects I've completed lately.


Seth has his first loose tooth, so I went on a google search for a cute tooth fairy pillow idea.  There are a lot of weird ones out there, but I finally stumbled onto this super cute tutorial and whipped up a pillow for him last night. 


Cute huh?  I got to use some of the fancy stitch features of my sewing maching to blanket stitch around the outside of the tooth.  This project also made me woefully aware of how little boy-appropriate material I have in my stash.  I'm going to have to do some fabric shopping! :)

Jenni was in town these last two weeks and she set up a crafty day while she was here.  So Jenni, Courtenay, Jenni's friend Sarah, and I all worked on projects together for an afternoon.  It is fun to craft with other girls around to ohh and ahh about how cute the thing you are making is.  I worked on this outfit for Lia.  I got the skirt at the DI and knew I needed something super cute to go with it.  Jenni showed me how to make the cute fabric flowers.  (Thanks Jen!)  So here is Lia in her latest crafty ensemble:


Here's another shot so you can see the flowers a little better.



It has been raining pretty much non-stop here for about 2 weeks which is very unsual for Utah.  This morning was no exception.  As we walked to church we made the boys stay out of the puddles so that they wouldn't get their church clothes soaked.  After church, however, was a different story!  They had sooo much fun stomping around and getting completely drenched.  Jacob was wet up to his chest and Seth was nearly as bad. 

Splashing in puddles.jpg

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