Miekka: December 2009 Archives

I recently completed one new project and one seriously overdue project and they both turned out fairly well. 

The new project was a desk for Jacob.  He's been asking me for a desk of his own since we started school at home for Seth.  I found the chair at the DI about a month and a half ago.  It was nice and retro and totally cute.  Plus it was only 4.00 which was awesome.  Of course every cute chair needs a great desk to go with it, so I started going to the DI two and three times every week to try and find that perfect piece.  There is an unwritten law that if you go to the DI when you are looking for something specific you are never going to find it.  The other problem I was having was that the chair seat is only 13 inches high, which meant that I had to find a desk short enough to go with it.  Finally, I struck gold.  I found an old school desk that was close to the right height and only 10.00.  The desk was a light grayish blue with maroon around the edge of the desk top.  It was not an appealing color combination for me.  So I broke out some orange spray paint and went to work.  There are two things I've learned from this project; first, is that you can't be impatient with spray paint and second, is that primer should be used when making dramatic color changes.  The paint job on the desk is not as perfect as I would want, I had some drips and the light blue seemed to come through no matter how many coats I put on (hence the primer lesson learned).  But as long as you don't look at it too closely it looks really cute.  Some day I may take it back out and give it another coat of paint, but I'm pretty sure that won't happen until spring time.  The desk is a tiny bit too high for the chair, so I am in the process of making a foam cushion to lift Jacob up one or two inches.  I wish I had taken a before picture, but I didn't, so you just get the fantastic finished project!  


The project that was severely overdue was painting some wooden shoes that my mom had given me a long time ago.  They were light blue too. (Hmm, maybe I have something against light blue.)  Along with being light blue, they used to have a design on them that had almost all been chipped away.  They looked pretty sad.  So this time with primer and spray paint in hand.  I gave the shoes a face lift just in time for my kids to put them out for Sinterklaas last night.  I'm really pleased with how they turned out.  One day I might get brave and paint a decoration or names on them or something, but I'm not confident enough in my skills just now to ruin the beautiful new paint.  My mom also gave me a new shoe last night for Lia, so I need to go out and paint that one too one of these days.  I just hope it doesn't take 5 years like the last four did. :)

Here's a before picture:
blue shoes.jpg

Here's the after shot:
IMG_0022 1.JPG

Much cuter in red, don't you think?

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